We are Grant Town, and we have a singular purpose: supporting research and development projects that are focused on building a better world for humanity.

Our projects combine ancient and emerging technologies to tap into the very best opportunities for taking our present existence to the next level–bringing the future to life today. Whether we’re constructing vertical farms to bring healthy foods to low-income families living in food deserts or helping to build a research center in the Amazon to study indigenous, plant-based medicines, we are always working to impact the world for the better.
The GTEC family of communities represents a new model of community that could one day transcend into entire societies, or even civilization itself. Through GTEC, we dream of a world where everyone’s basic needs are met, and no one has to live in poverty. A world through which all people have every resource and opportunity at their fingertips. Where everyone can create the fulfilling life and reason for being that they’ve always dreamed of.
GTEC is the first step toward making that world possible.
We took our early cues from innovator and creative genius Walt Disney, whose EPCOT (Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow) community was designed to affect change among modern communities of its day. EPCOT was originally imagined as a model city where no one would be jobless or homeless, and everyone would have all they needed within the boundaries of the community.
With EPCOT as our primary inspiration, we set out to move the concept of tomorrow’s community into the 21st century. We want GTEC, SEED, and GTEC Lux to be dwelling places that work for everyone, regardless of background, income level, or socioeconomic status.
“You never change things by fighting the existing reality.” -Bedminster Fuller
Roughly two decades from today, humanity will find itself in a precarious position. Due to the ever increasing scale and power of technology, in addition to advancements in both automation and artificial intelligence, some believe we could see upwards of fifty-percent unemployment by 2045. A new trail for the human race must be blazed immediately if we are to avoid the pitfalls that lie ahead.
To find a solution, we must look into both the future and the past. Our shared human story has evolved from hunter/gatherers to city-states, from kingdoms to nation-states. We catalogue this evolution in our history as periods of growth; the Neolithic Era to the Classical Era, the Dark Ages to the Renaissance. Because of our rapidly advancing society, we’re nearing another critical crossroads.
This truth led us to an important conclusion: humanity can either continue down the path it’s currently on, which will lead to a radically stratified society and future unrest, or we can forge a new path.

We live in an era of abundance. The problem is, all economies and civilizations have historically been based on the idea of scarcity–that there aren’t enough resources for everyone. But for the last fifty years, we have had the opportunity to bring humanity into a post-scarcity era. What’s more, most people don’t realize that this possibility exists. Through GTEC, we’re making that possibility a tangible reality.
Each GTEC community will feature next-generation technology that makes living life easier than ever before. Additionally, the communities will be home to hydroponic vertical farms, renewable energy, robotics, and cashier-less retail and dining. We’ll offer well-rounded educational systems and resources that transcend 20th century models for learning, which were built in response to the industrial revolution. People of all ages will be able to continue their education across a wider range of possibilities than ever before.
Beyond a GTEC community’s infrastructure lies the all-important human component. We were inspired, in part, by the Japanese concept of ikigai, or “reason for being”. By focusing on building a holistic synergy between humans and their communities, we can shepherd the emergence of not only future-facing cities, but of more well-rounded human beings.
We invite a diverse group of people from all backgrounds, cultures, and religions. GTEC communities will be radically diverse, in order to reflect the world’s growing diversity. Diversity of thought and opinion will be highly valued, with emphasis on the individual human experience. Each resident would have the opportunity to self-actualize and become the most ideal version of themselves. GTEC communities will offer access to meditation, yoga, physical fitness, continual learning and personal development, performance and the arts, and much more.
Our mission is to inspire vitality, wellbeing, harmony, fulfillment, and lifelong learning through a purposeful community of engaged individuals and families, working together to provide for the sustained welfare of its citizens. Deliberate use of innovation, knowledge, wisdom, compassion, and care will benefit every member of the community.
As we progress through the 21st century, we hope the GTEC family of communities will plant the seeds of humanity’s bright future. With limitless potential to grow and adapt, GTEC communities could one day be home to tens of thousands worldwide. Come evolve with us.